During the spring months, your dog is going to want to go outside more often and be out in the sun and warmth. You're going to want to be out more as well. When your dog is out during these spring months, there are threats outside you should be aware of to keep your dog safe. If your dog does end up in some trouble due to these issues, you should be sure to take your dog to the veterinarian for treatment. Read on for a few of these spring threats to watch for.

Other Dogs

If your dog is outside, he should be on a leash and should be monitored at all times. If your dog happens to get out and another dog attacks your dog, or your dog attacks another dog, your dog could end up injured and need medical attention. Your dog may also need to get rabies shots if you aren't sure if the other dog has been properly vaccinated. If your dog has scratches, cuts, scrapes, or any other type of broken skin wound, you need to take your dog in for treatment. Your dog could be severely injured in a dog attack, so be sure to keep an eye on your dog as the temperature begins to warm up. Also be sure to keep up with vaccinations for your dog.


A bee sting could simply cause a welt on your dog, or he could end up with a much more severe reaction from a bee sting. If your dog is stung by a bee, or stumbles upon a bee nest of some sort and is curious about it, he could possibly be stung a number of times, and the results could be harmful to his health. Be sure to keep your dog away from bee nests and take him to the veterinarian if he has been stung multiple times to ensure he doesn't have a poor reaction to the stings.

Outdoor Plants

The plants you have growing in your garden could be deadly to your dog. Some plants, such as spider plants or daffodils, may be deadly if your dog ingests them. Watch your dog around these plants, and keep him away from them to prevent an issue. If your dog does eat some of these plants, keep an eye on your dog. He may simply have diarrhea or vomiting, or the symptoms could be much worse. If your dog does ingest any type of toxic plant, write down what he ate, and take your dog to the veterinarian for proper treatment.

Your dog has been cooped up all winter long and is wanting to be outside more often. You need to be aware of spring threats and keep an eye on your dog to help keep him safe. If your dog has any issues with the above-mentioned threats, or some other springtime threat, take your dog to the veterinarian for treatment.
