When you take your dog to the local animal hospital for a routine appointment, you'll commonly stay with your pet for the entirety of the appointment. Being in the examination room allows you to discuss any issues that relate to your dog's health with the veterinarian, as well as ask relevant questions. During the physical examination portion of the appointment, the veterinarian may ask you to lend a hand by holding your dog still. Here are some do's and don'ts for handling your animal.

Do: Keep As Calm As Possible

You might feel a little anxious about the appointment, especially if you're worried that something might be wrong with your pet. It's important, however, for you to be as calm as possible while you assist the vet by holding the dog still. You can often increase your calmness through deep breathing. Dogs can easily pick up on human emotions, which means that your anxiety can make your dog anxious. An anxious dog will fidget and make the physical examination more difficult than it has to be.

Don't: Talk Excessively To The Dog

Unless your veterinarian requests otherwise, it's generally OK to talk to your pet a little as you hold it still. Offering an affirming comment such as "good girl" on occasion is fine, but you shouldn't talk excessively. Excessive talking can excite your dog, while also being disruptive to the vet. For example, if the vet is taking the animal's pulse, it can be difficult to concentrate if you're talking excessively.

Do: Keep Your Grip Firm

If your dog is showing signs of calmness through the first part of the examination, it can be easy to get lax and loosen how you're holding the animal. Unfortunately, the dog may interpret your lighter grip as a sign that it can move and may begin to squirm. Most vets will want you to keep a firm grip on your pet until you hear otherwise.

Don't: Rub The Dog Too Much

When you have both hands on your dog, it may be tempting to rub it a little. You should avoid this temptation because of the complications that it can cause. For example, if you rub the dog quickly, it can become excited. Additionally, it you scratch the dog in certain locations, it can have an involuntary response—for example, wagging its tail or moving its back end. Keeping rubbing movements to a minimum is ideal.
