Bleeding from your pet's nose could indicate a serious problem, especially if it's sudden and the blood amount is large. While many pets experience minor nosebleeds, they should stop quickly and not involve much blood. However, if your pet's nose is gushing, you will need the help of an emergency veterinary clinic. Keep reading to learn more about common causes for nose bleeds in pets and signs you have a serious problem.

Why Do Pets Have Nosebleeds?

Pets have nosebleeds for many of the same reasons why humans have them. It is a common issue that goes by the medical name of epistaxis. Below are some of the reasons why pets have them.


Trauma to the snout and face can cause the small blood vessels in the nose to break and bleed.

Upper Respiratory (Sinus) Infections

Infections can cause swelling and bleeding.

Health Concerns

Health conditions, like high blood pressure and blood clotting issues, can cause blood vessels to break or bleed excessively.

Foreign Object in Nose

While it is rare, barbs, seeds, and grasses could enter your pet's nose and cause bleeding.

Fungi Infection

Some pets get nosebleeds from sniffing around in places where aspergillus is present. The fungi set up colonies in the noise and can cause nosebleeds.

Rodent Poison

Rodent poison causes hemorrhaging, including blood out the nose. Pets can accidentally consume poison if someone handles and places it inappropriately.

What Is First Aid for Nosebleeds in Pets?

First, keep calm and make sure your pet stays still. Wrap ice or an ice pack in a towel or cloth and place it over the nose. Do not cover the nostrils or the mouth. If the bleeding is small and stops quickly, call your veterinarian for further advice. Do not give medicines unless the veterinarian says so.

When Is a Nosebleed an Emergency?

A nosebleed is an emergency if your pet loses a large amount of blood quickly, and the bleeding won't stop with first aid. Also, if you suspect your pet was injured or poisoned, don't wait to bring them to a veterinarian. The same goes for pets with minor nosebleeds but who seem sick or weak.

Bleeding is never a good thing to see in your pet. While many nosebleeds aren't serious, see your veterinarian if your pet has them frequently. However, anytime your pet seems to be bleeding nonstop, visit an emergency veterinary clinic. Emergency veterinarians can quickly track down and treat the cause of your pet's nosebleeds.

For more information, contact an ER veterinary clinic near you.
